工程物理 Major

Rapid scientific growth has created a significant demand for people well trained in physics and engineering.

Physicists seek a fundamental understanding of the physical universe. Engineers apply scientific knowledge to design and develop structures, machines and products. Students may pursue the engineering physics major with core components in both physics and engineering. The physics courses emphasize the fundamental science and mathematics essential for graduate study or professional work in physics. 工程学课程, 而不是一个完整的工程项目, 为工程师职业生涯提供坚实的基础. 最先进的仪器, 包括一个专门的工程设施, 丰富学生在实验室的经验. Opportunities exist for involvement in research with both physics and engineering faculty.



Fall (17)
  • 物理21:普通物理I (4)
  • PHY 22:普通物理实验I (1) 
  • 硕士9:微积分I (4) 
  • EN 5:工程与文科(3) 
  • 通识教育(四) 
  • PEA 32:健康生活(1)
  • PHY 23:普通物理II (4)
  • PHY 24:普通物理实验II (1)
  • MA 10:微积分II (4)
  • EN 50:静力学和工程软件(3)
  • 通识教育(四)
  • PEA选修课(1)
  • Mayterm GE选修课(4门)在校或国外
  • 建议与韦斯特蒙特学院或 REU
Fall (16)
  • PHY 25:现代物理学(4) 
  • MA 19:多变量微积分(4) 
  • EN 40:材料力学(3)
  • 通识教育(四)
  • PEA选修(1)
  • PHY 26:现代物理实验室(1)
  • MA 40:微分方程与线性代数(4)
  • PHY 142/143:电路和电子与实验室(5)
  • 通识教育(8)
  • 建议与韦斯特蒙特学院或 REU
Fall (16)
  • 物理选修课(4) 
  • CS 10: Design and Implementation of Solutions to Computational Problems (4)
  • 通识教育(8)
  • EN 120:热力学(4)或PHY 160:热力学(4)
  • EN 080:初级设计(3)
  • 通识教育(8)
  • 建议与韦斯特蒙特学院或 REU
FALL (17)
  • CHM 5:普通化学I (4)
  • PHY 198:研究(1)
  • 通识教育(12) 
  • PHY 131:经典力学(4)
  • PHY 195:高级研讨会(1)
  • ph170:高级物理实验室(1)
  • EN 110:流体力学(3)
  • 通识教育(8)


The engineering physics degree prepares students with good academic records to enter graduate school in physics or engineering. They learn to think logically and analytically about the objective behavior of physical systems and acquire specific technical skills preparing them for a variety of careers such as:

  • Medicine
  • Law
  • 中学或大学水平的教学
  • 教会
  • 技术写作
  • 专利工作
  • 地球物理或海洋勘探
  • 医疗技术




A Westmont researcher has won a grant to further his search for evidence of the presence of mysterious dark matter. 美国国家科学基金会(NSF)颁发了一项200美元的奖金,给本·卡尔森1万美元, 韦斯特蒙特大学物理学助理教授, to continue his work on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, 位于日内瓦的粒子物理实验室, 瑞士.

在他下一步的研究中, “Casting Light On a Semi-Visible Higgs Boson with Novel Triggers at ATLAS,” Carlson seeks evidence for physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM), 哪一种可能解释暗物质的存在. 研究人员称暗物质, which doesn’t appear to interact with the electromagnetic field, 可能占宇宙物质的85%. 它很难被检测到,因为它不吸收, 反射或发射电磁辐射,包括光.

Funds from NSF and other agencies around the world built the LHC machine and ATLAS, 大型粒子探测设备, 作为基础科学工具. “The 2012 discovery at the LHC of a Higgs boson with mass close to 125 GeV, 大约是一个钨原子的质量, represents both the crowning achievement of the Standard Model of particle physics and a hint beyond it,卡尔森说. “一个轻希格斯玻色子怎么可能在巨大的, 没有新的不稳定量子效应, 未被发现的物理?”

The LHC recently started its third operational round at higher energy and increased event samples. Carlson says it’s possible that evidence for BSM physics could emerge in the next few years.

The grant allows Westmont’s undergraduate students to participate in the analysis of the LHC data and explore new machine-learning techniques. 两位韦斯特蒙特的学生, 肖恩·瑞恩和钱德勒·贝克, are working in Geneva on collecting data with the ATLAS detector as part of summer research that Carlson oversees.

国家科学基金会,一个独立的联邦机构,预算为8美元.2022年达到80亿美元, promotes the progress of science and keeps the United States at the leading edge of discovery.



克里斯蒂娜·杜贝尔(21届) 是一名优秀的学生, musician, 也是韦斯特蒙特的领袖, 基督教文科的典范. She maintained a double major in 工程物理 and Music while serving as the Concertmaster of the Westmont Orchestra and first violinist of our top string quartet for numerous concerts and venues. From the outset of her time at the college she was driven to accomplish every goal for mastering both the intuition and mathematical complexities of physics and the creative but also technical work of understanding and producing beautiful music. She completed the major honors project "Measuring Protein Adsorption with "EW-CRDS" in Physical Chemistry with Professor Michael Everest and earned the Outstanding Graduate Award in both the Physics/Engineering and Music departments for 2021. Christina is currently pursuing a PhD in Biomedical Engineering at Texas A&米大学.

洛根·霍奇森(21届) came to Westmont as an Augustinian Scholar and left as a triple major in 工程物理, Music, 数学(不是最容易毕业的). 他是班上的杰出学生, he also served as an outstanding TA that many students came to depend on. He combined an uncanny intuitive understanding of physics with the mathematical chops to handle the hardest of calculations. He served as principal cellist of the Westmont Orchestra on numerous occasions and was a very active chamber musician in the top string quartet. 有成就的研究者, he also worked at Las Cumbres Observatory analyzing thermal noise in CCD arrays as well as developing software for tracking asteroid orbits. Logan also earned the distinction of winning the Outstanding Graduate Award in both the Physics/Engineering and Music departments for 2021. 他目前正在攻读硕士学位.S. 加州理工学院电气工程专业.

Faith Palombi(21年) 我在韦斯特蒙特大学主修工程物理. 天才研究者, Faith worked closely with Westmont physics professors 罗伯特Haring-Kaye and Michael Sommermann on novel research projects in nuclear physics and astronomy, 分别. 特别是, her valuable contributions to the nuclear physics research resulted in her status as second author of a paper recently submitted for consideration as a Regular Article publication in 物理评论C是国内首屈一指的核物理研究期刊. 她的杰出的 results 也作为海报展示在2021年 韦斯特蒙特大学学生研究研讨会. Faith is currently working as a Software Engineer for General Motors in Austin, Texas. 


贝萨尼·萨瑟兰(12届), 一个舞蹈家和一个艺术家, earned a Bachelor of Science in engineering physics at Westmont, 拥抱科学和艺术. She works as an associate project manager at Santa Barbara Imaging Systems.