心理学和心理治疗从柏林到维也纳 夏季学期:2025年5月5日至6月14日

Discovering the Roots of 心理学和心理治疗从柏林到维也纳

This program will offer psychology majors the unique opportunity to study foundational concepts in their discipline in the context of the locations where modern psychology began. The program will start with two weeks on the Westmont campus and then continue with four weeks of studying and visiting in 莱比锡 (site of the first experimental psychology laboratory), 柏林(格式塔心理学的历史发源地), w rzburg (w rzburg心理学院所在地), 维也纳(心理治疗的发源地). Course material will be taught and incorporated with visiting a number of historic locations of psychology and interacting with modern academic psychology programs in Germany. Particular focus will be given to comparison and integration of the Christian faith with both historic and contemporary psychology. 申请截止日期为11月1日. 

我们的项目从韦斯特蒙特校区开始, where you will spend two weeks in the class房间 taking 历史 and Systems of Psychology and Fundamentals of Clinical and Counseling Psychology. After having established a solid foundation of the history of psychology and psychotherapy, 我们将去德国旅行, 心理学作为一门心理科学的发源地. We will spend three weeks in Germany, exploring Berlin, 莱比锡, and 维尔茨堡. 除了我们的课堂研讨会, 我们将参观柏林医学历史博物馆, the Wilhelm Wundt Institute for Psychology (the world’s first Experimental Psychology laboratory), 茨堡住宅(联合国教科文组织世界遗产), 以及阿道夫-伍尔斯心理学历史中心.  

我们最后的十天将在维也纳度过, 奥地利, 也被称为梦之城和精神分析的发源地. 你将深入了解西格蒙德·弗洛伊德的思想, 阿尔弗雷德·阿德勒, and Viktor Frankl – three prominent psychotherapists and founders of classic psychological theories – as you explore their 首页s and museums.  

作为项目的一部分, 你将参加心理学的历史漫步, 其中包括大量的徒步旅行和柏林的实地考察, 莱比锡, 维尔茨堡, 和维也纳. 我们还将探索马丁·路德的故乡维滕堡.

Applicants must have successfully completed PSY-001 (General Psychology) and PSY-131 (Abnormal Psychology) and have sophomore status or higher at the end of Spring semester 2025. Applicants are strongly advised to have completed PHI-006 (Philosophical Perspectives) prior to the Mayterm. Applicants from all majors will be considered, but psychology majors will be given higher priority. 

所有申请者将需要完成与博士的面试. 格尼.

除上述一般资格外, 以下是必须满足的要求, 有或没有合理的住宿, 为了完成该计划的所有基本要素. 所有参与者必须能够:

  • Navigate multiple irregular surfaces and walk up to 6 miles a day with the group
  • Navigate carrying personal items including suitcase and/or backpack without assistance.
  • Anticipate having sufficient emotional wellness to fully participate in the program safely and successfully despite the limited availability of frequent access to psychological services.
  • 预计所有地点至少有两个人入住.

历史 & 心理学系统(psy111) 

The 历史 and Systems of Psychology course is designed to introduce students to major historical figures and historically important systems within the academic discipline of psychology. 除了, this course attempts to place psychology within the context of history, ag娱乐官网知识的假设, 以及对人类行为的看法(例如.e.世界观). This context will help us to examine the antecedents and development of psychology as a science and come to a systematic understanding of the various perspectives in psychology. We will examine the persistent problems or questions of interest to psychologists, and the dominant paradigms and models operating in contemporary psychology.

贯穿心理学的历史和系统课程, a consistent theme is the connection and contrast of historic themes and debates in science and psychology as they relate to principles of Christian theology and worldviews. Students engage with these issues in class discussion and through journal writing on each of the 20 sections that are covered in the course. A unique feature of the 2025 Mayterm course is the integration of course material in the actual locations where much of the history of psychology occurred, 即德国和奥地利.


Fundamentals of Clinical and Counseling Psychology is an upper-division course that introduces students to the major theoretical approaches of clinical psychology. 重点将放在理论和他们的创始人, 包括对结构部件的分析, 历史背景, 并对各理论应用临床方法. 将强调在临床环境中的理论应用, 道德和法律方面的考虑也会被考虑在内. The course will also explore characteristics of a skilled and effective counselor, as well as some of the basic principles to psychotherapy and counseling. Experiential activities will be utilized to assist students in understanding and implementing counseling approaches.

Studying this material during Mayterm 2025 in Germany and 奥地利 will afford students the opportunity to visit the 首页s and museums of theorists they are learning, 毫无疑问使课程材料变得生动起来!


作为项目的一部分, 你将参加心理学的历史漫步, 其中包括柏林的徒步旅行, 莱比锡, 维尔茨堡, 和维也纳. 我们还将探索马丁·路德的故乡维滕堡.

$8,500(含学费), 房间, 董事会全体, 在德国和奥地利境内旅行, 博物馆及古迹入场费). This price includes two weeks of full 房间 and board on the Westmont campus and four weeks in Germany and 奥地利 with double accommodation in 3 or 4 star hotels. Students are responsible for international airfare and additional transportation costs to domestic airports (e.g.宽松的).